Shelbie S. – “When I see SG&RT, I think positivity, grit and strength. It makes me believe in myself and want to better myself for not just me but my teams as well. I love that the brand represents pushing yourself to achieve anything you put your mind to. SG&RT acts like my motivator to be the best that I can be.

 SG&RT has helped me become, Not just a better athlete, but a better person too. I love playing softball and getting better in any way I can, but knowing Coach Aaron hasn’t only improved my agility and speed, its also improved my self esteem and attitude. Physically, I’ve definitely seen improvements in my performance. I’m definitely faster and more agile. But without SG&RT and Coach Aaron, I don’t think I’d be as prepared for college softball this upcoming fall as I am right now.” 

 Raschad R. -“When I see your logo, I automatically start thinking about how to better myself as a father brother friend husband neighbor. Its tough at times but knowing that if you set goals and reach them then you’ve accomplished your mission. You feel better about yourself period.

 SG8RT is speaks for itself. Once you set your goal you do whatever it takes to reach it and never give up”

Joel R.– “SG8RT is so much more than a brand it’s a way of life. Every day I wake up I set a goal like today my goal was to be a better me and I know by the end of the day if I have reached that goal or not. Setting goals keeps me on track to become a better me.”

Travis W.– “Positive Vision, Transformation for a new beginning in Life”

Sean E.– “Sg8rt encouraged me to sign up for my race. After signing up and training harder than ever, I got a shirt to sport while running through DC. Multiple times during the race, I found myself exhausted and feeling defeated.  With the help of my family and glancing down at my shirt, I crossed the finish line!  Now, I can’t wait to set my next goal and continue to put one foot in front of the other”

Jimmy R. -“SG8RT has reminded me to continue to push past my limits in thoughts and ability to accomplish those things I thought I never could. Coming from being homeless to owning two homes and being a recovering drug addict to working with veteran today who suffer with drug addiction and mental health issues, I had to Set Goals in life & Reach Them.”